“Ettore Bassi: Stage and Race:” New Original Documentary by Rakuten TV tells the double life of actor and racing driver
Ettore Bassi: Stage and Race,debuts exclusively and free on one of Europe’s leading Video-On-Demand platforms, Rakuten TV, on 22nd November, across 42 countries in Europe.
The documentary follows the personal experience of Ettore Bassi, actor, TV host and uphill time-trial car driver. The story focuses on the close emotional link between an acting performance and a car race, two alternate but similar realities. Ettore finds himself torn between two worlds and constantly in the spotlight, whether he is trying to stage a play or is in the driver’s seat during a race. What the documentary shows is a man under pressure, always on the front line; but the story told in Ettore Bassi: Stage and Race is not about celebrity but day-to-day life, adversity and effort on stage or on the track. All those genuine, moving, sometimes awkward human nuances that are not visible to those on the outside.
The races and performances are shown almost simultaneously in a crescendo of tight montages and cuts and scenes that will make the audience wonder whether Ettorewill be able to face all these responsibilities or whether he will give up. Through his story, the audience will understand that what binds two realities that seem so different is a single element, just before the curtain opens or the race begins: an ever-faster heartbeat.
Ettore Bassi: Stage and Race is an original Rakuten TV documentary produced by Prince Produzioni and edited by Ettore Bassi, Ernesto Giuntini and Paolo Sponzilli, Arrives on Rakuten TV 22nd November.