Power 100 Criteria
Nominations for the BritFlix Power 100 list are now open.
Please note: all submissions must be in by April 27th, 2019 to qualify.
BRITFLIX POWER 100 powered by UK Power 100
BritFlix Power 100 is looking for the best and boldest leaders, creators, stars and thinkers from the British Independent Film and TV industry to join our dynamic winners club!
What’s the age cut off?
There isn’t one!
What geographical restrictions apply?
You must be based in the United Kingdom.
Who can make the list?
The simple answer to that is ANYONE! The BritFlix Power 100 list aims to identify individuals making a difference across the industry, whether you’re an actor, film director, producer, writer, distributor or a festival organiser we want to hear about you.
How do we curate the list?
It’s a very simple process. Through open nominations, recommendations by members of the public like you allow us to put this list together, we assemble 150 names of candidates across 6 sectors. Next, BritFlix Power 100 staff pick around 18 finalists for each sector who at this point are in no particular order.
Finally, a judging panel overseen by BritFlixPower100 President Andrew Twambley, independently puts the candidates in order of the most influential right down to the least. A full and final list is then delivered to BritFlixPower100’s President who assess all names put forward before the list is released.
Is there anything that can stop me from being on the list?
YES, sadly the Power 100 brands aims to uphold high ethics and diversity standards, as such individuals who are in prison are not eligible for the list, individuals with previous convictions will be considered on a case by case basis. Individuals involved in politics that is deemed to promote “hatred” and attract controversy may also be deemed ineligible for the list.
Know someone who should make the list? Email us [email protected] or use the form below:
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