REVIEW: The Krays – Dead Man Walking
REVIEW: The Krays – Dead Man Walking
The DVD cover promises “the grittiest Krays film ever” and in a way it is, lacking the Hollywood gloss of Legend or the immaculate stylings of The Krays.
It isn’t really a Krays film though – the terrible twins flit in and out of the story of Frank Mitchell (Josh Myers) and his unrequited love story with prostitute Lisa (Rita Simons, who is excellent), which leads to his eventual murder in the back of a van.
The film is unrelentingly bleak, well shot and on the whole well acted(Chris Ellison takes the acting honours as a grizzled Krays henchman) which puts it light years ahead of most recent Brit crime films. Well worth a watch for the Guy Ritchie and true crime fans.
**** / 4 Star
Buy your copy – https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07F3CH3KX/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1