Suman Sen’s OSCAR® qualifying short THE SILENT ECHO a story of passion, dreams and a leap of faith
Director and writer Suman Sen’s debut short film THE SILENT ECHO is a short that will lift your spirits. The film shares a story of four children playing on a burnt-out mini-bus on land that only indigenous locals can cross, and what occurs next changes their lives.
Sen just finished the production of his second short film CRY ME A RIVER based in Taiwan. His debut feature film, EKA (SOLO) was part of NFDC Film Bazaar Co-Production Market, Torino Film Lab Next and La Fabrique de l’Institut Français, is supported by French CNC Cinema du Monde.
This timely short has qualified to be considered for the 95th Academy Awards® after qualifying and winning ‘Best Short Film’ at the Raindance Film Festival. The timely short can be seen at the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne.
It tells a story about four teenagers, from a remote mountain village, who spend their days in an abandoned bus on a ridge, playing music. When a band competition is organized in a neighboring town, they gather the money and courage to be a part of it.
This heartfelt short is produced by Dominique Welinski, founder of DW based in France, Emmy award-winning producer Ram Krishna Pokharel from Nepal, Vivek Modi co-founder and Executive Producer of Fickle Formula based in India, and award-winning Bangladeshi-American producer duo Arifur Rahman and Bijon.
The beautiful cinematography was created by Xoaher Musavvir, who is from Bangladesh and is based in Stockholm. The music which stays with you throughout the film was composed by Mayukh and Moinak, a composer duo based in India.